SubscriptionFlow allows you to import historical transactions for your records. This guide walks you through the process of importing transactions. Note that customers these transactions are tied to must already exist in the system.
Sample File:
1. Start by enabling the Transactions module. Click on the gear icon next to Dashboard.
2. Shift the Transactions module form the Hidden to the Visible modules list.
3. Move it up or down the modules list as you prefer and save changes.
5. Next, prepare your data. Make sure to include the following mandatory fields:
Mandatory Fields
Name | Description | Example |
Name | An identifier label | TR_001 |
Amount | The quantity transacted. | 120 |
Customer ID | A 25 character string that identifies a customer within the system. | 2bfd07aa-e055-467a-8381-edf7d7960f9e |
Transaction Category | The category of transaction which may be Payment, Payout, Write-Off or Credit-Note. | Payment |
Transaction Type | This is the type of transaction which may be payment or refund - the two transaction types. | Refund |
Status | The status may be Paid, Pending, Declined, Failed. | Paid |
Currency | The currency of the transaction | USD |
Payment Source | A text descriptor of the payment mode. | Cash |
Unapplied Amount | If not linked to an invoice this transaction can correspond to an unapplied amount that can be applied to future invoices | 50 |
Invoice ID | A 36 character string that identifies an invoice in the system. | 66728254-50a3-4209-8dff-b7d2f7e3bd02 |
Payment Method ID | To identify a specific payment method in the system against other payment methods. | ccof:CA4SEDfxxqF8zeYK5HwfJJMbRCQoAg |
Transaction ID | A unique 35 character string to map relevant transactions in the system. | 65e55004-2630-42af-bd66-32caf772d69b |
Note: To import a refund the Category is set to Payment and the Type is set to Refund. To import a credit note set to Payment and the Credit-Note is set to Transaction.
You may also add optional fields such as miscellaneous charges, , reference, payment method ID and transaction ID.
6. Once prepared, export your data into CSV format for import. Note that import only supports this format.
- Then click on Transactions > More > Import.
- Browse and upload the import file.
8. When uploaded, click 'Next'.
9. Map fields from the file to those inside the system. Use the mandatory fields description above as an aid.
10. You may add default fields and apply them to all the records in your CSV.
11. If you assign a date field, make sure to select the right format from the options to ensure a smooth import.
12. Choose to either skip existing records or update existing ones. Then click ‘Next’.
13. Your data import will start.
14. Wait till the import is completed and scroll to the right to find the status of records imported, failed and/or updated. If any errors occurred during import, details can be downloaded from an errors file at the far right of this screen.
15. Go back to Transaction to see the freshly imported transaction data. Note that if you add customer IDs you will see the transactions within the customer detailed view lists and if you add invoice IDs you will also see the transactions reflected within relevant invoices.
16- The “Partially Paid” transaction will be changed to “Paid” once all dues have been cleared. For example :
17- For an “Overdue” invoice, once the transactions are completely paid and uploaded, the status will be updated to “Paid”.
18- For an “Overdue” invoice that is Partially paid, the system will change it to “Partially Paid”
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