Paystack is the most popular payment gateway to collect payments in South Africa and Nigeria. The guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect your PayStack merchant account to SubscriptionFlow and start collecting subscription payments.
1. From your dashboard, go to Administration Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right.
2. Inside Administration Settings, click on 'Payment Gateways' under Billing.
3. This opens up all the supported payment gateways. Click on the payment gateway you want to integrate with SubscriptionFlow. In this case, click on Paystack.
4. Within the PayStack integration window, click on the 'Get Started' button.
5. To integrate the two systems, you will need a Secret Key and a Public Key. These can be retrieved from your Paystack merchant account.
6. To retrieve security keys, log into your Paystack merchant account.
7. From the menu bar on the left, scroll down and click on 'Settings'.
8. Next, click to open API Keys & Webhooks.
9. This is where you can find the Secret Key and Public Key to enter into your SubscriptionFlow integration window.
10. Click on the eye icon to reveal the Secret Key and copy it.
11. Then paste it inside the SubscriptionFlow window.
12. Do the same for the Public Key from PayStack.
13. Next, click on the Test connection button. You will see a green pop-up notification confirming that the gateway is successfully connected.
14. Click on Save.
15. Next click on the 'Advanced Options' tab to configure your newly connected payment gateway. Here you can check the payment methods you wish to enable through this gateway. Click on Others to get a list of available payment methods.
16. Select which users you want to grant permission to make these changes to these settings.
17. Enable payment method validation to let customers add new payment methods to their account through a public payment method page. This will allow the payment gateway to carry out a small test transaction that is instantly reversed to check the status of the account.
18. This integration is set up so that checkout creates a subscription and an invoice inside SubscriptionFlow after which a transaction is initiated by the customer. Once the payment is completed the transaction and invoice statuses are updated inside SubscriptionFlow. However, if someone initiates checkout but does not proceed to payment, the subscription and invoice created at the time of checkout will clutter the system needlessly. To handle this check the Payment Abandoned button. The Payment Abandoned checkout enables you to set a time until which if payment is not completed the subscription and invoice is trashed by virtue of being abandoned.
19. Then check the Delete Subscription & Invoice action if no payment data made available at the end of the selected time period.
20. You can also set this payment gateway as your default for collecting payments.
21. Configure webhooks that update the status of your transactions. Payments are initiated by SubscriptionFlow and collected by PayStack. The webhook allows a smooth relay of this information. Copy the webhook URL.
Note: Without webhooks configured, transactions inside SubscriptionFlow would remain pending, or need repeated API calls to the gateway to check the transaction status.
22. Then switch back to your PayStack merchant account and go to Settings. Navigate back to APIs and webhooks, and paste the Webhook URL from SubscriptionFlow into the webhook field inside PayStack. Save settings.
23. Back inside SubscriptionFlow, click 'Save' to configure your advanced settings. Then click Back to Payment Gateways.
24. You can see that Paystack has been connected and is set as your default payment gateway to process payments through SubscriptionFlow.
That is how you can integrate PayStack with SubscriptionFlow.
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