Creating a gift plan is a prerequisite to creating gift subscriptions for a customer contact.
- First enable gift subscriptions. Go to the ‘Administrative Settings’ from the gearbox in the top right corner & click on ‘Preferences’ under Customization.
- Click on ‘Subscriptions’.
- Scroll down and enable gift subscriptions. Then scroll down and save your preferences.
- Now create a gift plan. Click on ‘Publications’ or ‘Products’ from the navigation bar.
- Click on the product you want to create a gift plan for.
- Scroll down to ‘Plan’ and click ‘+ Plan’ to create a new plan.
- Add plan information. Set ‘Is Gift Plan’ to ‘Yes’ from the dropdown menu. Click ‘Save’.
6. Now, click the ‘+ add charge’ option under the newly created plan to add one-time, recurring and/or usage based charges.
7. Add a name, pricing model and list price. Save the new charge.
8. Your new gift plan is set up. The small gift icon on its side classifies it as a gift plan tied to a gift subscription. Gift subscriptions are purchased by customers for one of their contacts.
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