Navigate to Administration Settings > Customization > Web Checkout. Then click on ‘Plan Settings’ and ‘Advanced Settings’.
Section 1: Conversion Tracking
7. Under ‘Conversion Tracking’ you can enter the URLs customers get redirected to in the event of a successful, failed or pending payment. The visits on the URL then provide data on successful, pending and failed payments, as well as, trial activations and pending subscriptions. Save your configuration.
Section 2: Add on
9. ‘Add on’ lets you connect base products with specific addons that you want bundled during checkout.
For example, let's say a customer purchases a lifestyle magazine subscription from you and decides to purchase a children’s magazine subscription as an add-on for half the price. During checkout, the lifestyle magazine will show up as a base product with the add on linked to it (with the promo deal built in). That is what you can set up in this tab by linking a base product to some addons.
Section 3: General
10. Under ‘General’ you can enable the ‘Match to Existing Customers’ so that multiple checkouts from the same customer do not create a new customer in your system every time. Enable the ‘Checkout Submissions in Web Checkout’’ to track cart abandonment.
Section 4: Automate Web Checkout With Rules
11. Under this section you can set up some rules against conditions such as certain shipping or billing companies. Essentially, you can program an action in response to some condition or combination of conditions in the checkout details. These actions include adding a tax rate or swapping a base product.
12. Imagine a scenario where you sell the same product for different price points (different plans) in Austria compared to the rest of the globe. To program this swap you will select ‘Billing Country’ as the trigger field. The operation and value field will set the condition.
13. In our case, if the billing address is equal to Austria we want a swap of plan to automatically apply at checkout.
14. Furthermore, the add and delete buttons on the right let you program the condition as per your needs. Let’s say the base plan swap applies to customers living in Austria and people who input a shipping address in Nigeria. With the OR condition active, either of these scenarios will trigger the base plan swap. Save your rules for certain plans and add as many rules as you need.
And now you know exactly how to customize your checkout pages through the Designer and the Plan Settings tabs inside the Web Checkout Designer.
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