To sell a publication, you must first create it inside SubscriptionFlow. Follow these steps:
- Login and land on the Dashboard. Then click on the Publications module from the navigation bar on the left. Then click on ‘Create Publication’.
Note: If you do not see the Publications module, configure it with the gear icon next to Dashboard by moving it from the hidden to the visible list.
- Fill in the information for the Publication Name, Plan Name and description. Also select a charge type. To learn more about charge types go here.
- Next, select a pricing model for your publication plan. To learn more about pricing models supported by SubscriptionFlow go here.
- Then choose a billing frequency.
- Configure the list price by inputting a pricing title and a list price. The information required will vary depending on the pricing model you choose. The Flat Fee and the Per Unit pricing require a pricing title, a list price and whether the pricing is taxable. Volume and Tiered pricing give the added option of adding tiers. Then press ‘Save’.
- You will then see your plan summary appear at the bottom of the page. If you would like to add pricing, click ‘Add Pricing’ and repeat the outlined steps above. When you are done adding charges to this plan, click ‘Save Pricing’. If you would like to preview your pricing, click on the orange ‘Preview’ button on the bottom right corner of the page.
- You can now edit your new plan in the ‘Publications’ module on your dashboard. You can add recurring charges, usage charges and one time charges on the bottom panel, just click on the plus button.
12. This publication will be listed in the Publications module. Any time you want to edit or update your publication you can navigate to this module and select the publication you would like to edit.
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